Your Suburb, Your Home, Your Family, Your Community

Thank you to our amazing Volunteers

The Benefits of Volunteering

How does volunteering help you?
♥ Make new friends/contacts

♥ Giving to others can help protect your mental and physical health

♥ Practice and develop your social skills with a group of people with common interests 

♥ Children watch everything you do so show them how good it feels to help other people and enact change

♥Older adults can find new meaning and direction post retirement or other life changes

♥Uni or high school students can learn valuable job skills such as; teamwork, communication, problem solving, project planning, research, task management and organisation and many more transferrable skills.

                                         We are happy to provide references from your time with us for future employers.                                           

The more we give, the happier we feel

♥When job hunting volunteering is as credible as paid work and demonstrates valuable personality traits and core values such as motivation, social responsibility and pro-activity; all highly valued traits by employers

♥Can provide energising escape from normal day to day routine

♥Scope for renewed creativity and vision which can carry over into your personal and professional life

We have positions for everyone, no matter your capabilities, the only requirements are passion and positivity and completing our Volunteer form as attached above which goes through the police check process 😊

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